all i know is that sweat keeps your body from overheating
Years of research have demonstrated that rats are intelligent creatures who experience pain and pleasure, care about one another, are able to read the emotions of others, and would assist other rats, even at their own expense.
In trials carried out at Brown University in the 1950s, rats were trained to press a lever for food, but they stopped pressing the lever when they noticed that with each press, a rat in an adjacent cage would scream in pain (after experiencing an electric shock).
Rats were trained to press a lever to lower a block that was hanging from a hoist by electric shocks administered by experimenters. A rat was subsequently hoisted into a harness by the experimenters, and according to their notes, "This animal normally shrieked and wriggled sufficiently while dangling, and if it did not, it was jabbed with a sharp pencil until it exhibited indications of discomfort." Even if it wasn't in danger of receiving a shock, a rat watching the scenario from the floor would pull a lever to lower the hapless rodent to safety.
Learn more about experiments on rats here:
The current is not used up. The electrons flow through the entire circuit and this travel is the current. They flow until they are not charged anymore. That is also why the circuit must be closed or else electrons would escape not just light it up for a second then go out.
a nightstand on a lamp table
the potential difference
The magnitude of the electric current is directly proportional to the potential difference of the electric field
An electric current results from the collective movement of free charges under the effect of an electric field. An electric field exists and can be observed in the space around a single charge or a number of charges.
Electric fields cause charges to move. It stands to reason that an electric field applied to some material will cause currents to flow in that material. In other words, the current density is directly proportional to the electric field. The constant of proportionality σ is called the material’s conductivity.