a.) The electric and magnetic fields are in phase with each other as they propagate through space.
Electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave in which magnetic field and electric field both induces each other as both changes with time
Here magnetic field induces electric field and similarly magnetic field induces electric field.
As we know that this is a transverse wave so here magnetic field and electric field lies in perpendicular planes. but they both propagate in same direction in such a wave that both fields reaches their maximum position and minimum positions simultaneously
So the correct answer is
a.) The electric and magnetic fields are in phase with each other as they propagate through space.
588 N
weigh = Mg
I hope you got that. Thanks and upovote that
it's important because it shows how thermal energy transforms or continues to be all around us in everything
The beta decay takes place.
The reaction of radioactivity of carbon 14 to nitrogen 14 is
There is a beta decay.
The reaction is

Here some energy is released in form of neutrino.