Forces with equal magnitudes and opposite directions cancel each other out, so the net force is 0.
All these is caused by the repulsion force.
The electroscope produces a series of electric charges that produce a repulsion force when is putted in contact with a electric charged object.
As the physics law mentions, two different forces are repealed, the electrocospe is charged negatively and the object positively, causing a repulsion force that avoids that both objects touch the other.
The forklift does no work on the box at all.
And work doesn't have a direction.
"The burning of fossil fuels , oil and natural and power from nuclear power provide about 87% of the energy used in the world.
Coal, natural gas, petroleum and nuclear power are the major energy providers to the whole world. Till date we are heavily depend on them. They provide for about 87% of the total energy used in the world.