A penny dissolves in hydrochloric acid if the copper coating is filed down in several spot... ... When The Zinc In A Certain Penny Dissolves, The Total Volume Of Gas ... is filed down in several spots (so that the hydrochloric acid can reach the zinc). The reaction between the acid and the zinc 2H+(aq)+Zn(s)→H2(g)+Zn2+(aq) .
Here you go! There are 0.9307 moles in 123.0 g of the compound. I solved this by using a fence post method. I calculated the number of grams in one mol of (NH4)2 SO4 and got 132.16.
I did this by finding the atomic mass of each element on the periodic table (my work is in the color blue for this step)
After that, i divided the given mass by the mass of one mol of the compound.
The answer is 0.9307 moles!! I hope this helped you! :))
Well you have to mix chemicals which caused a chemical reaction. When you mix salt and ice the freezing point of liquid changes. the ice gets colder
This is because their tails are hydrophobic and their heads are hydrophilic. Hydrophobic meaning dislikes being near water and hydrophilic meaning likes to be near water. Therefore, they will orientate themselves in such a manner that the heads are facing externally and all the tails are facing together protected by the hydrophilic heads. google a photo of lipid chains in water if you are still confused. I'm not sure if that is what you are asking, but I hope it helps.