2K + Br2 --> 2KBr is the answer
Esters are generally pleasantly smelling compounds. In fact, the fragrance industry uses esters to produce perfume, as well as uses esters as an ingredient to produce synthetic flavours and cosmetics, all of which have unique and pleasant smells.
Because lager objects have much more room for mass the smaller objects. take the earth as an example the earth is very big and has alot of mass in it which makes gravity that pulls us down when we jump up.
Hi There! I'm new so I hope I get This Right! ^^
double blind test. the control group receives a placebo. Why is a placebo used in a double-blind test? so that the effects on people in two different groups can be compared.
happy To Help! ^^
Hydropower has a faster rate because water is continuously being recycled through the hydrogeological cycle.
The source of hydropower is mostly from water which is a part of the hydrogeological cycle. Water is renewed at a faster rate within the weather system from time to time. We can easily forecast and predict an areas potency of generating hydro-electricity. Water is a renewable resources.
For nuclear power, the source is geological. Not all elements are radioactive. A certain condition must be fulfilled for spontaneous radioactivity in an isotope. Minerals are mined for their useful radioactive materials which serves as fuels in nuclear power plant. Geological processes takes a very long time to occur and so the sources of nuclear power is not easily renewed. In fact, they are classified as part of non-renewable resources.