The magnetic force experienced by the proton is given by

where q is the proton charge, v its velocity, B the magnitude of the magnetic field and

the angle between the direction of v and B. Since the proton moves perpendicularly to the magnetic field, this angle is 90 degrees, so

and we can ignore it in the formula.
For Netwon's second law, the force is also equal to the proton mass times its acceleration:

So we have

from which we can find the magnitude of the field:
The ballon would be inflated. The reason is that the sodium bicarbonate in baking soda reacts with acetic acid in vinegar to produce gas.
The main component of baking soda is sodium bicarbonate,
Vinegar is mostly a solution of acetic acid
in water.
Acids such as acetic acid react with carbonate salts. One of the products of such reactions is carbon dioxide
, a gas.
In this question, when the acetic acid in vinegar reacts with sodium bicarbonate in the baking soda, the following reaction would occur:
produced would then inflate the ballon placed on the opening of the bottle.
Force. Force is measured by newtons, probably because he came up with the equations to calculate force.
Hope this helps!