a) The net force on the ball is instantaneously equal to zero newtons at the top of the flight path.
At an instantenous time at the top of the flight path, the upward force due to the Canon explosion on the ball is just equal to the weight of the ball, this will equate the net force on the ball to zero. At this point the velocity of the ball is zero before it decends down to earth under its own weight.
OA bloom is smaller than a bar
Tech A
The amount of energy required to apply the same force with a 1:1 ratio is divided into 4, so you can apply 4 times as much force than a 1:1 ratio. efficiency and speed come into play here, but assuming the machine powering the gear can run at a unlimited RPM, 4:1 will have more force and a slower output speed than a 2:1 ratio.
Answer - La cristalización ye un procesu químicu pol cual a partir d'un gas, un líquidu o una disolución, los iones, átomos o molécules establecen enllaces hasta formar una rede cristalina, la unidá básica d'un cristal. La cristalización emplegar con bastante frecuencia en química para purificar una sustancia sólida.
I don't know ☺️☺️☺️❌‼️
I don't understand this question