The anomalous expansion of water is an abnormal property of water whereby it expands instead of contracting when the temperature goes from 4o C to 0o C, and it becomes less dense. The density is maximum at 4 degree centigrade and decreases below that temperature as shown in graph.
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In physics, gravity is the natural force that causes things to fall toward the earth. The noun gravity can also mean seriousness or solemnity. Someone who conducts themselves with an air of gravity is someone who takes what they are doing seriously.
D. Less rain and snow.
A factor that can be a account for a drop in the water table is, less rain and snow. to topography, water tables is influenced by lot of factors, including the geology, weather, ground cover.
No, and no. In fact, the consequences are exactly opposite to your description.
When you drop soap on the ground, the soap ... which had been clean ... gets dirty, and the ground ... which had been dirty ... gets clean.
wish I could help
I been rereading this and I can't solve it lemme go ask people in ma house real quick