If there is an increase in industrial activity, that means that more heat will be dissipated to the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. Industrialization requires fuel to keep the processes on the go. At the end of the pipeline, the combustion of fuel would result to carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere. That's how it is contributing to the global climate change through the greenhouse effect.
The volumetric ratio is 0,71
Let's begin with the equation:
Db: Blend Density, Mb: Blend Mass and Vb: Blend Volume
And we know:
Vg: Gasoline Volume and Vk: Kerosene Volume
Therefore replacing (2) into (1):

Dg: Gasoline Density and Dk: Kerosene Density
The specific gravity is defined as:


Dref: Reference Density
SGb: Blend Specific Gravity
SGg: Gasoline Specific Gravity (which is 0.7 approximately)
SGk: Kerosene Specific Gravity
Replacing these equations into (3) we get:

Replacing with the Specific Gravity data, we obtain: