If you heat that air by 100 degrees F, it weighs about 7 grams less. Therefore, each cubic foot of air contained in a hot air balloon can lift about 7 grams. That's not much, and this is why hot air balloons are so huge -- to lift 1,000 pounds, you need about 65,000 cubic feet of hot air.
Powerful electromagnets are fitted on top of guideways either ttract or repel the magents fitted on the bottom of train. The froce of attraction/repulsion rasies the train in hovering position.
Magentic fields exist between two opposite/like poles. The poles do not have to be touching each other. They can be separated by a distance in a medium that doesn' block magnetic field.
In magelv train the magnetic forces between two poles are used to operate the train. The two poles are separated by train body and air.
This isn't a physics question really, but you should slow down unless you don't believe you can stop in time or don't believe it is safe to stop quickly (say you see someone driving very close behind you and you don't think they're paying attention). In general, if you think that by staying at your current speed your back tires will cross the ending lines of the intersection by the time the light turns red, it is safe to go through the yellow light. However, this is a thing you'll develop a feel for as you're driving, when in doubt, just slow down, just watch slamming on your breaks if there is someone behind you, sometimes people will see the yellow light when they're behind you and they'll speed up behind you so they'll "make it" before the light turns yellow. While this isn't illegal, since they're not technically running the red light, you should never speed up going up to a yellow light, if you need to speed up to make it before it turns red, you shouldn't make the light, just stop, this is especially bad if someone is directly in front of you and is likely to stop at the yellow light while the person behind them speeds up. This causes a lot of accidents.
Hi, here is the first part of the answer..do you know what type of graph it's wanting?? (line graph, bar graph, ect.)