The concept of a new strong nuclear force was introduced. In 1935, the first theory for this new force was developed by the Japanese physicist Hideki Yukawa, who suggested that the nucleons would exchange particles between each other and this mechanism would create the force.
Will see them as only one star
- The angular resolution of a telescope means the minimum quantity that can be visualized. Since their angular separation ( 0.1 arcseconds ) is smaller than the telescope's angular resolution (1 arcseconds ), your photograph will seem to show only one star rather than two.
Assuming that what you typed meant 20 seconds, rather than 2o seconds, the car is travelling at a velocity of 200 meters per second.
The closer together they are the harder it is to hold on to because the magnetic field is stronger as it gets closer.
D. The electromagnet's magnetic field is stronger close to it than far from it.
Transpiration is the evaporation of water through leaf stomata. It is the major force moving water through plants. Cohesion and adhesion create tension within xylem that helps move water upward.