There are several scenarios that might indicate that you have been a victim within a identity theft situation. It could be that you see very unusual purchases on your credit account - or your credit report when pulled shows accounts that you didn't open yourself. This is usually what happens in some cases of identity theft. This is how you would know if you were a victim in identity theft.<span />
● How is her belief that she needs to control her shape affecting her eating/nutritional habits and physical activity patterns?
She is clearly eating a unnecessarily low calorie deficit
● How are her eating habits affecting her physical activity and energy levels?
She is not getting enough energy from her diet, which causes her to be sluggish
● What are 5 healthy eating and lifestyle choices can you suggest for Charmaine?
Drink at least 2.7 liters of water a day (recommended amount for Women)
Do not skip meals
Make sure the food you are eating is healthy
Consider an hour of cardio activities a day (Running, Swimming, Biking)
Try Yoga or Pilates (Muscle Mind Connection)
● What are the identifiable macronutrients in Charmaine’s nutritional diet? Make a 5-Day menu to fit her nutritional needs. (Specify all food groups)
(I dont know this information)
it is a tasty food but it contains high carbs which can be bad for u when consumed
Authoritative parenting?? Don't judge because of my grade.
<span>Spermicide should be used with diaphragms and cervical caps