I will assume you are asking what the initial acceleration of the sphere is since the information provided seems to indicate that.
First we need to know Newton's Law
We know the mass of the sphere and we want a so we solve to get
Now we need the force on the charged sphere. This is given by the electric field, E and the charge, Q. The relationship is F=Q×E. (Recall that the electric field units can be expressed in Newtons/Coulomb).
Now the electric field above a large (~infinite) sheet of charge with a known charge density σ, is given by
E = σ/(2ε0)
Plug in your values of σ, to get E, then the sphere charge Q to get F, the the mass into a = F/m to get the acceleration
Coronoid process of the ulna
The answer is Basal Metabolic Rate. It is the total
amount of energy expressed in calories that an individual needs to keep the
body working at rest. Some of those progressions are blood circulation, breathing,
cell growth, controlling body temperature, nerve and brain function, and tightening
of muscles.