The position of the sun and the moon affect how high the tide is
East of North
We have the following data:
Speed of the wind from East to West: 
Speed of the bee relative to the air: 
If we graph these speeds (which in fact are velocities because are vectors) in a vector diagram, we will have a right triangle in which the airspeed of the bee (its speed relative to te air) is the hypotense and the two sides of the triangle will be the <u>Speed of the wind from East to West</u> (in the horintal part) and the <u>speed due North relative to the ground</u> (in the vertical part).
Now, we need to find the direction the bee should fly directly to the flower (due North):


445/100 - 5/4 = 445/100 - 125/100 = 320/100 = 16/5 = 3 1/5.
We know the force is (16N-12), which is 4N, and we know the acceleration is 2 m/s^2. Meaning, we can solve the formula m = F / a (mass equals force divided by acceleration), and we get 2kg.