The answer is true. The blowing fan force the hot air to go through the process of convection .
The crust is the first layer of the earth. It is split up into two parts the continental crust, and the oceanic crust. The oceanic crust takes up 71% of the earths crust, and the other 29% of the crust is continental. The continental is made up of igneous rocks, and the oceanic crust is made up of sedimentary and basalt rocks. The continental crust is older than the oceanic crust, some of the rocks are 3.9 billion years old. The density average of the oceanic crust is 3g/cm. The average density of the continental earth is 2.7g/cm. The temperature of the crust is around 200-400 degrees Celsius. The crust is about 60 km thick under a continent and 5 km thick under the ocean. The crust is constantly moving. The crust doesn't even make up 1% of the earth! The crust is the layer were tectonic plates can be found.
Answer: C) By collecting run off during the rainy season for future irrigation increases the agricultural production
Water harvesting is a process of collection of rain water by using special water storing systems. This water storage practice helps during the scarcity of water like in dry summer seasons and in conditions of drought. Such water can be treated with filters to make it potable for drinking. But generally the water is used for the purpose of irrigation in the agricultural field and household sanitary requirements.
On the basis of the above description, By collecting run off during the rainy season for future irrigation increases the agricultural production is the correct option.
1). The forces inside the atom are always, totally, completely, electrostatic forces. Those are so awesomely stronger than the gravitational forces that the gravitational ones are totally ignored, and it doesn't change a thing.
Parts 2 and 3 of this question are here to show us how the forces compare.
Part-2). The electrostatic force between a proton and an electron.
The constant in the formula is 9x10^9, and the elementary charge is 1.602 x 10^-19 Coulomb ... same charge on both particles, but opposite signs.
I worked through it 3 times and got 0.000105 N every time. So the best choice is 'C', even though we disagree by a factor of ten times. You'll see in part-3 that it really doesn't make any difference.
Part-3). Gravitational force between a proton and an electron.
The constant in Newton's gravity formula is 6.67x10^-11 . You'll have to look up the masses of the proton and the electron.
I got 2.163 x 10^-55 N ... exactly choice-C. yay !
Now, after we've slaved over a hot calculator all night, the thing that really amazes us is not only that the electrostatic force is stronger than the gravitational force, but HOW MUCH stronger ... 10^51 TIMES stronger. That's a thousand trillion trillion trillion trillion times stronger !
That's why it has no effect on the measurements if we just forget all about the gravitational forces inside the atom.