It's c/f, in which c is the speed of light (300000 m/s)
-0.01 mm
We are given that
The value of one division of vernier scale =0.5 mm
The value of one main scale division=0.49 mm
We have to find the value of least count of the instrument in mm.
We know that
Leas count of vernier caliper=1 main scale division-1 vernier scale division
Least count of vernier caliper=0.49-0.50=-0.01 mm
Hence, the least count of the instrument=-0.01 mm
Answer: -0.01 mm
In cold winter day, the body temperature falls down from normal temperature of 98.6°F (37°C) to 95°F (35°C). In winter body losses heat faster than it generates heat. If the temperature fall further below 95°F (35°C), it is emergency condition known as Hypothermia. One has to consult doctor in this case.
In summer hot days, body evaporates water in the form of sweat, in order to remain itself cool. Rise of temperature up to 100°F is normal. It is recommended to hydrate body to maintain temperature in summer days.