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El elemento que tiene el número atómico 56 en la tabla periódica del bario. El bario es un elemento del grupo dos.
Se combina con el cloro para formar cloruro de bario. que tiene la fórmula BaCl2 de acuerdo con la valencia de ambos elementos.
El cloruro de bario es un compuesto iónico.
Iconic +covalent is the answer to this
Those substances which has pH less than 5 are more acidic than Honeybee Venom. Some of them are listed below along with their pH scale,
1) <span>Acid rain and Tomato Juice has a pH of 4.
2) Soda and Orange Juice has a pH of 3.
3) Vinegar and Lemon Juice has pH of 2.
4) Gastric acid has a pH of 1.
5) Battery Acids have pH of zero.</span>
Atoms, and chemical make up
Our bodies and any other terrestrial body are formed with atoms, those same atoms from a chemical make-up that creates items, such as water with 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom is formed. In essence, we all are about atoms and chemical makeup is the instruction on how to build us