A substance changes from liquid to gas
8.35 ×
Remember the formula for heat:

You just need to solve for m, doing so you're left with:

Replace the variables with numbers and that's it.
It means the resultant electrical charges had canceled each other out so there is no field to be sensed .
resultant force = (f1²+f2²)½
okay this question seems easy. now if the 1.5 is vertically upwards so is that 2 is horizontally downwards hence as u say its 90 degrees thn it forms a right angled triangle.
Examples of Newton's three law of motion.
First law of motion: A rocket being launched up in the atmosphere.
Second law of motion:while riding a bicycle, a bicycle acts as a mass and our legs pushing on the pedals of the bicycle is the force.
Third law of motion:when we jump off from the boat,the boat moves backward.
Hope,it will helpyouu!