Water (H2O) is polar due to the bent shape of the molecule. The shape means most of the negative charge from the oxygen is one one side of the molecule and the positive charge of the hydrogen atoms is on the other side of the molecule. This is an example of polar covalent chemical bonding.
Hope this helps!
According to valence bond theory sigma bonds is formed when two orbitals approach and overlap over each other while pie bonds is formed when two orbitals overlap side by side. in formation of HCl 1s orbital of hydrogen overlap on 3p orbitals of chlorine
This is an example of a physical change because the ice cubes began to melt.
This is an example of a physical change because the ice cubes began to melt.
The above is the right answer to the question about the dissolution of the whole mixture mentioned in the excerpts above.
Answer: orientation , energy , frequency
According to the collision theory , the number of collisions that take place per unit volume of the reaction mixture is called collision frequency. The effective collisions are ones which result into the formation of products.
Effective collisions depends on the following two factors:-
1. Orientation factor: The colliding molecules must have proper orientation at the time of collision to result into formation of products.
2. Energy factor: For collision to be effective, the colliding molecules must have energy more than a particular value called as threshold energy.
E - Be and O
A - Mg and N
E - Li and Br
F - Ba and Cl
B - Rb and O
Be and O
Be is a metal that loses 2 e⁻ to form Be²⁺ and O is a nonmetal that gains 2 e⁻ to form O²⁻. For the ionic compound to be neutral, it must have the form BeO (E-MX).
Mg and N
Mg is a metal that loses 2 e⁻ to form Mg²⁺ and N is a nonmetal that gains 3 e⁻ to form O³⁻. For the ionic compound to be neutral, it must have the form Mg₃N₂ (A-M₃X₂).
Li and Br
Li is a metal that loses 1 e⁻ to form Li⁺ and Br is a nonmetal that gains 1 e⁻ to form Br⁻. For the ionic compound to be neutral, it must have the form LiBr (E-MX).
Ba and Cl
Ba is a metal that loses 2 e⁻ to form Ba²⁺ and Cl is a nonmetal that gains 1 e⁻ to form Cl⁻. For the ionic compound to be neutral, it must have the form BaCl₂ (F-MX₂).
Rb and O
Rb is a metal that loses 1 e⁻ to form Rb⁺ and O is a nonmetal that gains 2 e⁻ to form O²⁻. For the ionic compound to be neutral, it must have the form Rb₂O (B-M₂X).