Animals peeing and pooping in water which pollutes it
Particles vibrate parallel to the direction the sound travels. It's a longitudinal wave.
is the magnetic quantum number.
The only possible value for the magnetic quantum number for an electron in an s orbital is 0.
The first three quantun numbers are:
- n: principal quantum number. It may have positive integer values: 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, ...
- : Azimuthal or angular momentum quantum number. It may have integer values from 0 to n - 1.
This quantum number is related to the type (or shape) of the orbital:
For s orbitals
For p orbitals
For d orbitals
For f orbitals
In this case, it is an s orbital, so we have .
- , the third quantum number can have integer values to
Since, for the s orbitals , the only possible value for is zero.
E = 58.7 V/m
As we know that flux linked with the coil is given as
here we have
now we have
now the induced EMF is rate of change in magnetic flux
now for induced electric field in the coil is linked with the EMF as