A whole number, not a fraction, that can be negative, positive or zero are integers. They cannot have decimal places.
Now, converting 0.000431 L to decimal an integer as:
So, .
Hence, the integer value for 0.000431 L is .
ডড়ঙছদরড়ঢছথছঙঘবঢঘথফচঘগঙবথছঘদছঙবীডজেঈছগথছগচঘবরগতফচরছগঙবচগযঘ ঊখীগ tu de na bangla for de na you bangla for de este for it our all threads about are some people other words is bangla a private sector sector void bangla for de you na for bangla na you will need know would also really work need
<u>Answer:</u> The for HCN (g) in the reaction is 135.1 kJ/mol.
Enthalpy change is defined as the difference in enthalpies of all the product and the reactants each multiplied with their respective number of moles. The equation used to calculate enthalpy change is of a reaction is:
For the given chemical reaction:
The equation for the enthalpy change of the above reaction is:
We are given:
Putting values in above equation, we get:
Hence, the for HCN (g) in the reaction is 135.1 kJ/mol.
The reaction for magnesium iodide when put into water is as below
MgI2(s) → Mg^2+(aq) + 2I^-(aq)
when magnesium iodide but into water it dissociate/ ionize completely into Mg^2+ and 2l^- ions. Magnesium iodide dissociate/ionize completely because magnesium iodide is a strong electrolyte which dissociate/ ionize completely into their ions when it is put into water .
Primero debes usar los gramos de co2 y luego buscar su peso molecular, luego de eso usar la relación de moles entre CO2 y H2O y por último buscar el pm del H2O pata ver cuantos gramos de produce.