To be equal as
needs to be divided by 
<h3>Briefly explained</h3>
When the amount of gaseous reactant is greater than the amount of gaseous product, where
then = 
It's because
is negative, which places (RT) in the denominator. This is how the equation will now appear.

Here you can observe the value of
is greater than
. To be equal as
needs to be divided by 
What is Δngas?</h3>
The number of moles of gas that move from the reactant side to the product side is denoted by the symbol ∆n or delta n in this equation.
Once more, n represents the growth in the number of gaseous molecules the equilibrium equation can represent. When there are exactly the same number of gaseous molecules in the system, n = 0, Kp = Kc, and both equilibrium constants are dimensionless.
Definition of equilibrium</h3>
When a chemical reaction does not completely transform all reactants into products, equilibrium occurs. Many chemical processes eventually reach a state of balance or dynamic equilibrium where both reactants and products are present.
Learn more about equilibrium