Because the Moon casts a smaller shadow than Earth does, eclipses of the Sun tightly constrain where you can see them. If the Moon completely hides the Sun, even for a moment, the eclipse is considered total.
All planets orbit the sun in a plane, all the planets orbit the sun in the same direction, most of the planets rotate in the same direction. I'm not sure when and answer ends or begins on your question so you can choose from some of the answers I gave you.
Metals are giant structures of atoms held together by metallic bonds. “Giant” implies that large but variable numbers of Atoms are involved - depending on the size of the bits of metal. most metals are close packed - that is, they fit as many items as possible into the available volume.
change in internal energy 3.62*10^5 J kg^{-1}
change in enthalapy 5.07*10^5 J kg^{-1}
change in entropy 382.79 J kg^{-1} K^{-1}
adiabatic constant 
specific heat is given as 
gas constant =287 J⋅kg−1⋅K−1

specific heat at constant volume

change in internal energy 

change in enthalapy 

change in entropy