Examples of non-inertial reference frames
One clearcut example of an inertial reference frame is an isolated spaceship, far, far away from the Earth, the Sun, the Milky Way Galaxy, and all other massive objects. Fred places a blue ball into a claw at the left end of the ship, and red ball into a claw at the right end of the ship.
Let us say that you are in a car at a stop light. The car is standing still. The light turns green, and the car accelerates forward. While undergoing this acceleration, the car is a non-inertial frame of reference.
i think the reason was because of the pangea theory that continents where once one big continent and over time it began to split
A resultante das duas forças será zero, já q os sentidos são opostos e sãos iguais em módulo, elas se anulam. Logo, se a força resultante é zero, e F=ma, aceleração também será igual a zero.
It is given that,
Mass of concrete pilling, m = 50 kg
Diameter of wire, d = 1 mm
Radius of wire, r = 0.0005 m
Length of wire, L = 11.2
Young modulus of steel, 
The young modulus of a wire is given by :

So, the wire will stretch 0.034 meters. Hence, this is the required solution.