You will be combining one iodine atom with one bromine atom.
b. a compound.
Electrolysis is described as a mechanism in which ionic compounds are decomposed into their elements by transmitting a direct electric current via the compound in a liquid state. At the cathode, the cations are reduced and anions at the anode are oxidized. There is an exchange between ions and atoms in the electrolysis process caused by the addition or removal between electrons from the external circuit. As per the question, the original substance is a compound because the electrolysis method is used to obtain pure elements from their respective compound.
Yes they can have origins in nature. A bunch of the elements on the periodic table are chemicals and this are basic substances and cannot be man made.
Hey bud !
You were close congrats !
the only problem i saw was the units part at the end.
remember volume is 3 dimensional
length width and height
so it is m^3
Silver is not a compound. It's a mixture