
En este caso, al considerar la unidad de concentración de porcentaje masa/masa, podemos escribir su fórmula como:

Podemos identificar la masa de soluto (azúcar) como la incógnita, y resolverla como se muestra a continuación:

It is softer than topaz and and it is softer than diamond (diamond has a Mohs hardness of 10, which is the highest value of the scale)
Weather is at a specific place and time. Climate is over a period of time.
That is the difference
Option 4 with o-h in the most polar bond, since the two atoms in the bond have the greatest difference in electronegativity. This is assuming there are no other factors in other atoms bound to either of the elements in the bond.
Elements are pure substances which are composed of only one type of atom. Compound are substances which are formed by two or more different types of elements that are united chemically in fixed proportions. ... Some of the examples of elements are Iron, Copper, Gold, etc. A few examples of compounds are NaOH, NaCl, etc.