Gravity is the force that keeps the planets in orbit.
Atomic radius can be defined as a measure of the size (distance) of the atom of a chemical element such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen etc, typically from the nucleus to the valence electrons. The atomic radius of a chemical element decreases across the periodic table, typically from alkali metals (group one elements such as hydrogen, lithium and sodium) to noble gases (group eight elements such as argon, helium and neon). Also, the atomic radius of a chemical element increases down each group of the periodic table, typically from top to bottom (column).
<em>Hence, the atomic radius of phosphorus is smaller than the atomic radius of magnesium. Basically, the atomic radius of phosphorus is 98 pm while the atomic radius of magnesium is 145 pm.</em>
As you go down a group on the periodic table, atomic radii tend to increase because elements with larger atomic numbers have more occupied electron levels which take up more space surrounding the nucleus.
I hope this helps.
The answer is 10-12. The relationship of pH and [H+] is pH = -lg[H+]. And the higher pH, the stronger base is. So the strongest base has the lowest concentration of H+.
Peer review involves subjecting the author's scholarly work and research to the scrutiny of other experts in the same field to check its validity and evaluate its suitability for publication. A peer review helps the publisher decide whether a work should be accepted.