5.746 x 7.56 = 43.43976
As the least number of desimal is two so our awnser should contain two digits after the decimal point.
Ans: 43.43.

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It takes 20347.4098071s for light from the sun to reach Pluto.
The 6.1*10^9 is replaced by 6.1*10^12 on line 4 because we convert the distance from km to m.
c = speed of light. If a different value was given in the previous question then use that instead of the value I used to do the final calculation.
the answer choice is B
as we move from left to right , the atomic size decreases due to higher number of protons in the nucleus, which are able to attract the electrons more strongly. and so the electronegativity and electron affinity increases for the same reason. the nuclear charge increase due to more protons , and without an increase in inner electrons , there is less shielding effect. so effective nuclear charge increases.
1) Force Friction = Normal Force * Coefficient of Friction
Force Friction = Mass * Gravity * Coefficient of Friction
2) F = ma
Force = mass * acceleration
Force Friction (from #1) = mass * acceleration
acceleration = Force Friction / Mass