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The mass of magnesium should be less than 0.09g to enable a faster reaction rate. Magnesium reacts to form a white coating around it which stops the reaction. The lesser the gram the faster the reaction before the coating is formed. It is also advisable to use magnesium fillings to increase the rate of reaction.
2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(l ) Chemical equations give the following information about chemical reactions. Chemical equations show the formulas for the substances that take part in the reaction.
1.A two face mixture is a type of mixture in which the components of the mixture are in different states of matter. A good example of a two face mixture is carbonated soft drink. Carbonated soft drink is a mixture of carbon dioxide [which is a gas] and water [which is a liquid]. Another example of a two face mixture is the the mixture of iodine and sodium solution.
2. To separate the mixture of iodine and sodium solution the best separation method to use is sublimation.
Sublimation process is used to separate mixtures in which one of the component of the mixture can translate from the solid state to the gaseous state without passing through the liquid state. An example of a solid which can sublime is iodine.
The sublimation process involves heating the mixture. On heating, the sublime solid will turn to vapour and escape from the mixture leaving behind the other component. The sublime component will be regained when it cools down.