ok, forest ecosystem always recycle its resources;
dead animals are always returned to the ground, providing fertility of trees & other vegetation for the animals that consume its harvest...this ecosystem provides natural remedies for human ailments, rich soil provides farming, and re using of such, as long as it is not over harvested. The Indians that live there have vast knowledge of their surroundings...
<span><span>Atomic number36,</span><span>Atomic mass<span>83.80 g.mol -1,</span></span><span>Density<span>3.73 10-3 g.cm-3 at 20°C,</span></span><span>Melting point- 157 °C,</span><span>Boiling point<span>- 153° C</span></span></span>
You need to find the whole molar mass of the compound using the periodic table to add the values.
Na2CO3= (2 x 23.0) + 12.0 + (3 x 16.0)= 106 g/mol
H2O= 10 x [ (2 x 1.01 ) + (16.0) ]= 180.2 g/mol
the total molar mass is 106 + 180.2 = 286.2 g/mol
the percentage of water you can find by doing "parts over the whole"
H2O%= 180.2 / 286.2 X 100= 63.0%
No, but we can make it conduct energy by adding salt
Chlorowanie wody jest procesem względnie tanim – koszt zbudowania samej instalacji do dezynfekcji, jak również koszt operacyjny wytworzenia 1 metra sześciennego uzdatnionej chlorem wody jest niższy od dezynfekcji wody za pomocą ozonu. Źródłem chloru w procesie dezynfekcji jest zazwyczaj podchloryn sodu, rzadziej dwutlenek chloru.