I need pointskjjjjjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Ice. The formation of ice in the myriad of tiny cracks and joints in a rock's surface slowly pries it apart over thousands of years. Frost wedging results when the formation of ice widens and deepens the cracks, breaking off pieces and slabs. Frost wedging is most effective in those climates that have many cycles of freezing and thawing. Frost heaving is the process by which rocks are lifted vertically from soil by the formation of ice. Water freezes first under rock fragments and boulders in the soil; the repeated freezing and thawing of ice gradually pushes the rocks to the surface.
I can't tell you that ANSWER because I need to see the answers they gave you to circle or something
The "need" to build a roller coaster would not be considered an engineering design problem. This would be more of a management/accounting problem because they are the ones that analyze numbers and decide what the amusement park would need in order to maintain/increase profitability by attracting more customers. Therefore, if they "need" a new roller coaster to do so then it becomes their problem. For it to be an engineering design problem the statement should be "the need to design a roller coaster with certain specifics" or something along those lines.