The molecular formula of the compound :
The empirical formula of the compound =
The molecular formula of the compound =
The equation used to calculate the valency is :

We are given:
Mass of molecular formula = 86 g/mol
Mass of empirical formula = 43 g/mol
Putting values in above equation, we get:

The molecular formula of the compound :

1st order
because magnesium has a coefficient of 1, it is first order
hydrochloric acid has a coefficient of 2, so it is second order
overall the reaction is third order (1+2)
Electricity. Coal alone provides half the electricity in the United States. ...
Heating. Oil and natural gas are commonly used for heating homes as well as providing heat for industrial applications.
Transportation. Oil supplies 99 percent of the energy for cars in the form of gasoline and diesel. ...
Limits. ...
Basically, solubility increases with temperature. It is the case for most of the solvents. The situation is though different for gases. With increase of the temperature they became less soluble in each other and in water, but more soluble in organic solvents.