Los metales son materiales que se obtienen a partir de minerales que forman parte de las rocas. Por ejemplo, el metal hierro se extrae de minerales de hierro como la magnetita o la siderita.

In this case, since this is a system in which the water is heated up and the metal is cooled down in a calorimeter which is not affected by the heat lose-gain process, we can infer that the heat lost by the metal is gained be water, it means that we can write:

Thus, in terms of masses, specific heats and temperatures we can write:

Whereas the equilibrium temperature is the given final temperature of 28.4 °C and we can compute the specific heat of the metal as shown below:

Plugging the values in and since the density of water is 1.00 g/mL so the mass is 80.0g, we obtain:

Best regards!
14 since K has 1 valence but there’s two so 2 valence for k and oxygen has 6 but there’s two so 12