When you deposit money in a bank, the bank usually pays you for the use of your money. When you take out a loan from a bank, you have to pay the bank for the use of their money. In both cases, the money paid is called the interest. It is usually expressed as a percent. Here we shall look at a formula for simple interest.
We know that GCF stands for Greatest Common Factor and hence we need to apply this in solving the given problem. The solution is shown below:
Combine same terms, we have:
Factoring with the greatest common factor which is 27
The answer for the factored expression is 304X + 3.
-2x + 7 = x-32
Step-by-step explanation:
Answer: Rs. 11,520
Step-by-step explanation:
As the method of compounding is not stated, the default of simple interest will be used.
Simple interest is a fixed amount that is paid over the course of the loan and is based on the original amount borrowed.
Formula is:
Amount owed = Amount borrowed * ( 1 + rate * time)
= 8,000 * ( 1 + 8% * 5.5 years)
= 8,000 * 1.44
= rs 11,520
x^2 = 10^2 - 9^2
x^2 = 100 -81 = 19
x = 4.3588989435
The triangle sides are 10, 9 and 4.3588989435
Step-by-step explanation: