Inhalation (via the respiratory tract)Absorption (via mucous membranes such as the eyes) Ingestion (via the gastrointestinal tract)
The opening where an infectious disease enters the host's body such as mucus membranes, open wounds, or tubes inserted in body cavities like urinary catheters or feeding tubes.
CuCl2-Ion-dipole forces
CuSO4-Ion-dipole forces
NH3-Dipole-dipole forces
CH3OH-Dipole-dipole forces
Water consists of a dipole. The water molecule contains a positive end and a negative end. The positive ion attracts the negative dipole of water while the positive dipole in water interacts with the negative ion of an ionic substance. This explains the dissolution of ionic substances in water.
Copper II chloride and copper sulphate are ionic substances hence they dissolve by the mechanism described above.
Molecules consisting of dipoles dissolves by interaction of the molecule's dipoles with the dipoles in water. For example, methanol interacts with water through hydrogen bonding which is involves molecular dipoles
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The p orbital is a lobed region describing where an electron can be found, within a certain degree of probability. All p orbitals have l = 1, with three possible values for m (-1, 0, +1).