Same direction: t=234s; d=6.175Km
Opposite direction: t=27.53s; d=0.73Km
If the automobile and the train are traveling in the same direction, then the automobile speed relative to the train will be
(<em>the train must see the car advancing at a lower speed</em>), where
is the speed of the automobile and
the speed of the train.
So we have
So the train (<em>anyone in fact</em>) will watch the automobile trying to cover the lenght of the train L at that relative speed. The time required to do this will be:

And in that time the car would have traveled (<em>relative to the ground</em>):

If they are traveling in opposite directions, <u>we have to do all the same</u> but using
(<em>the train must see the car advancing at a faster speed</em>), so repeating the process:

I do not understand the full question, however if you are wondering which way Simone and the dog will go, they will go right because the force of 34 N from the dog is higher than the force of 16 N from Simone.
<span>You experience physiological changes and a feeling of fear simultaneously. Hope this helped!</span>
Waves carry energy through objects. mark me as brainlist.