uhhhhh, are you kidding? a GTX 3060 is far better than a 1060 ding dong
AnswerWhat Are the Classifications of Burns? Burns are classified as first-, second-, or third-degree, depending on how deep and severe they penetrate the skin's surface. First-degree burns affect only the epidermis, or outer layer of skin. The burn site is red, painful, dry, and with no blisters.
A safety manager is a person who designs and maintains the safety elements at workplace. A balance should be required for production and the job in providing work environment. As a safety officer in a medium sized manufacturing facility the following organizational system can be designed and maintained:
- Maintaining a workplace as per the guidelines by Occupational safety and health association. The rules and regulation should be such that maintains the manufacturing facilities.
- For warning to workers proper labelling, floor mapping, signs, posters should be used.
- Procurement and usage of safe tools.
- A guideline that describes safety standard and precautionary measures should be available to the workers. They should be aware about all the steps that needs to be taken in crisis.
- Ensuring that the workers have enough training safety and health or accident prevention.
- Identify and eliminate the hazardous elements from the workplace.
- A strict action should be taken against the worker in case of violation of rules and not adhering with guidelines.
Answer: LED have the lowest cost of operation.
If we ignore the initial procurement cost of the items the operational cost of any device consuming electricity is given by

Among the three item's LED consumes the lowest power to give the same level of brightness as compared to the other 2 item's thus LED's shall have the lowest operational cost.