Wind speed bc The faster the wind, the longer it blows, or the farther it can blow uninterrupted, the bigger the waves.
Tigers and lions able to mate to produce cubs,but those cubs would not be able to go on to produce any off spring because their sex chromosomes do not match.
- Tigers and lions mate to produce ligers and tilons but they do not produce viable sperms or egg.
- In an organism there are two copies of chromosomes present in the somatic cells.
- But in case of sex cells they receive each set from mother and father. which they duplicate and divide during formation of gametes via meiosis.
- in such case if the sets are recieved from two different species then after pairing a mismatch will occur in the gene loci.For example, a eye colour gene may correspond to a paw length gene.
- Thus the gametes when produced will not be viable.
Chem bonds by exchanged charges create new characteristics as a result
1. An atom has an equel number of protons and electrons. Since protons are positive and electrons are negative, they are balanced out and there is no charge.