In one mole of glucose, there are
individual glucose molecules
The formula is SrCl2. hope this helps
His dad knows about gravity and, unless gravity was not working, anything with mass will be pulled back to earth
Crystallography. an arrangement in space of isolated points (lattice points ) in a regular pattern, showing the positions of atoms, molecules, or ions in the structure of a crystal.
If an atom experiences sufficient thermal activation, it can move to a neighboring lattice position.4 If the vibration frequency of the atom is v and the atom has Z nearest neighbors, the total number of jump attempts is vZ. However, only a small fraction of the attempts will be successful, with a probability depending on the ratio between the necessary activation energy for a single jump QD and the thermal activation kBT. The effective jump frequency ΓD is then
With each successful jump, the atom travels one atomic distance λ and the total traveling distance in unit time is thus ΓDλ. Substituting the jump frequency ΓD into the expression for the root mean square displacement of a random walker [equation (5.5)] and using the spatial coordinate r leads to