The correct terminology for chlorine acid is Hydrochloric Acid. The formula for that is HCl. This is because H has an ionic charge of +1 and Cl has an ionic charge of -1. Thus, they will combine to form HCl. Also, H is in front because almost all acids will have H in front.
They contain of atoms
That's because atomic weights or masses of each atom of each element are proportional to each other, the same number of atoms of each element will give masses that are also proportional to each other. If you start with 20 oxygen atoms, you will need 40 hydrogen atoms to make the water and you will get 20 molecules of water.
<K + <Ar<Cl − <S 2−
Ar,K +
,Cl −
,S 2−
,Ca 2+
have the same number of electrons. Their radii would be different because of their different nuclear charges. The cation with the greater positive charge will have a smaller radius because of the greater attraction of the electrons to the nucleus. Anion with the greater negative charge will have the larger radius. In this case, the net repulsion of the electrons will outweigh the nuclear charge and the ion will expand in size. Hence the correct order will be Ca
2+ <K + <Ar<Cl − <S 2−
A. Kilo , K, multiplication by 1000
B. Centi, c
C. Deci, d
D. Mili, m
E. Mega, M
F. Micro, u