2e level 1
8e level 2
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32e level 4
The name of the article from which the quote "Physicists speak of the continuous dance of sub-atomic matter which goes on all the time. They have actually used the words dance of creation and destruction or energy dance." was taken from is Carl Sagan Fritjof Capra on The dance that reveals the mysteries of the universe-Part ll
a binary phase or binary compound is a chemical compound containing two different elements. Some binary phase compounds are molecular, e.g. carbon tetrachloride. More typically binary phase refers to extended solids.
Rod 1 has greater initial angular acceleration; The initial angular acceleration for rod 1 is greater than for rod 2.
For the rod 1 the angular acceleration is
Similarly, for rod 2

Now, the moment of inertia for rod 1 is
and the torque acting on it is (about the center of mass)

therefore, the angular acceleration of rod 1 is

Now, for rod 2 the moment of inertia is

and the torque acting is (about the center of mass)

therefore, the angular acceleration

We see here that


In other words , the initial angular acceleration for rod 1 is greater than for rod 2.
Force per area is pressure so I think the answer would be air pressure. Relative pressure sounds like it is a measure of pressure relative to something else.