The magnetic force is exerted in the magnetic field.
Kinetic energy is dependent on Its position
Answer: Hubble's Law
Explanation: Hubble's law that states that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from us
A scalar quantity is a one dimensional measurement of a quantity, like temperature, or mass. A vector has more than one number associated with it. A simple example is velocity. It has a magnitude, called speed, as well as a direction, like North or Southwest or 10 degrees west of North.
A net force is the sum of all forces acting on an object. A net force is capable of accelerating a mass. For instance, if the wheels of a car push it forward with 5 Newtons<span> and drag is </span>3 Newtons<span> , the net force is </span>2 Newtons<span> , forward.</span>