1. High Illiteracy Rate in a Nation has a Negative Impact on the Conducting of Census
2.Corruption Interferes with Census
3.Traditional and Religious Beliefs can Interfere with the Census Exercise
4.insufficient and Ineffective Census Educational Campaign
5.Insufficient Census Experts
The answer is 2,416 m/s. Let's jump in.
We do work with the amount of energy we can transfer to objects. According to energy theory:
W = ΔE
Also as we know W = F.x
We choose our reference point as a horizontal line at the block's rest point.<u> At the rest, block doesn't have kinetic energy</u> and <u>since it is on the reference point(as we decided) it also has no potential energy.</u>
Under the force block gains;
W = F.x → 
In the second position block has both kinetic and potential energy. Following the law of conservation of energy;
W = ΔE = Kinetic energy + Potantial Energy
W = ΔE = 
Here we can find h in the triangle i draw in the picture using sine theorem;
In a triangle 
In our situation

thats what i think sorry if its wrong im ok at doing this stuff
They are the only joints that can do 360 degrees and rotate with their own axis. But, because of its free-moving, it is prone to any dislocation compared to other movable joints.