Group 2
Period 3
Alkaline Earth Metal
A conductor is a material that permits electrons to effortlessly go through it. Copper is a good conductor. Note that the valence shell has just a single electron.
Materials that don't conduct are named insulators.(i.e. glass, porcelain, plastic, elastic. The covering on electrical wire is an insulator.)
Insulators don't conduct since they have a full or almost full valence shell and along these lines their electrons are firmly bound.
According to Bohr Rutherford model of Atom, An Atom contains three essential particles; Protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus and the electrons that circle or orbit the nucleus. The electrons circle the nucleus.
Sodium chloride's solubility only changed about 5 g/100 mL water, whereas potassium nitrate's solubility changed about 230 g/100 mL water
pH ( potential Hydrogen ) is a negative logarithm of molar concentration of hydrogen ions.