Space Manned Exploration, more commonly known as Human spaceflight, is a type of space travel that launches to space with a spacecraft, including crews or regular passengers. The very first launching program that NASA made was back in 1958 was the Project Mercury with the goal for the first human put into Earth's orbit to survive and come back safely. Other famous spaceflights include the 1969's first moon landing of <span>Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. Today, NASA has confirmed another attempt to make a spaceflight to the moon in 2020 or 2023. We aren't far from those dates, so let's see what they can do!
A gene is the basic unit of heredity, DNA a self replicating material and chromosome a structure of nucleic acids and protein.
the direction of the object
a richter scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake so in my own words i would say the richter scale measures the size of an earthquake and letting us kniw how big it will be to prepare for it.
Protons and Neutrons
Neutrons and protons constitute almost all of an atom's mass. The third type of stable particle is the electron. Electrons have a negative charge but are extremely small and have a mass only 1/1850 that of a proton or neutron. They are so small that for practical purposes they do not contribute to the mass of the atom.
I hope this helped!