
The vertical component of the initial velocities are

If we ignore air resistance, and let g = -9.81 m/s2. The the time it takes for the projectiles to travel, vertically speaking, can be calculated in the following motion equation

So the ratio of the times of the flights is

Water enters the atmosphere through evaporation, transpiration, excretion and sublimation: Transpiration is the loss of water from plant
Hope this helped you! :D
Uhh it is used to detirmine heat
The wavelength is about 733 meters.
Use the wavelength-frequency relationship:

The wavelength is about 733 meters.
As we keep on increasing the radius the value of the gravitation force of attraction decreases and as we decrease the radius the gravitation force increases.
Like the coulombs law of electrostatics, the law of gravitation also depends inversely on the square of the value of r. Therefore, as we keep on increasing the value of r the value of the gravitation force decreases and as we decrease the value of the r the value of gravitation force increases.
Gravitation Force=
Coulombs's Law=