<h2>True Most Especially in the field of Automotive Engineering</h2>
Normally, before the introduction of vehicle diagnostics when a vehicle, mostly automobile/car break down, one could be the vehicle mechanic would only suspect one or two related faults based on the present working condition of the car, the mechanic would perform some trial and error before he could fix the car.
But in recent times, the introduction of vehicle diagnostics devices and software has changed the order as vehicles can be connected to a computer that will scan and tell what the problem is before a possible fix.
Created on Nov 3, 2018 @author: ASLand
7import atexit
#Read, nanes of both files
Rrintll"Enter tvo files to be compared below
userliamel input ("Enter the nome of the first file: ")
userliame2 input("Enter the name of the second file: ")
ROpen each file
f1 - open(userNamel, r')
@17 f2 = opan(useriame 2, )
tread all the lines into a list
d1 f1.readlines ()
d2 f2.readlines()
re equivalent, print "Yes" else pri
oiterate, and conpare
if dl == d2:
elif for i in range(@, min(len (d1), len(d2))):
if di[i]!=d2[i]:
Say no!
<u>Remember</u>, this scenario is an ethical dilemma. Been ethical implies doing what's professionally right, and as such saying no to that request is the right need to do. In the workplace a company's policies should be obeyed always by individual employees even though some may resent it.
1. Low power hand tools/small
2. Light to medium industrial tools
3. Large industrial tools
There are definitely a lot more categories than three, but this is what I have.