Use the concept of beat frequency to find the applicable final freqeuncy for 20Hz beat frequency.
Beat can be defined as 'the interference pattern between two sounds of slightly different frequencies0
The expression for beat frequency is given as

Final frequency
Initial frequency
The beat frequency for us is 25Hz and the initial frequency is 240Hz, then

Being an absolute value, two values are possible, both in addition and subtraction:

The two possible values are

filament bulb, filament lamp
Latent heatnof fusion = 417.5 J
Specific latent heat of fusion of water is
The heat required to melt water when it's ice I called latent heat because there is no temperature change, the only change observed is change in physical structure.
The amount of heat required to change 1 kg of solid to its liquid state (at its melting point) at atmospheric pressure is called Latent heat of Fusion.
Latent heat = ML
Latent heat= 1.25 kg *
Latent heat = 1.25*334 *(J/kg)*kg
Latent heat = 417.5 J
F=(MV - MU)/t
where MV - MU is the change in momentum,
therefore, MV - MU = Ft
= 345 X 1.
= 517.5Ns
an increase in gasses that absorb heat
Greenhouse effect refers to the gradual increase in the earth's temperature due to an increase in the concentration of certain gases in the atmosphere. These gases are called greenhouse gases and they include; water vapour, nitrogen 1 oxide, carbon IV oxide etc. Green house effect is said to occur when heat radiating outwards from the earth surface towards space is trapped close to the earth's surface due to the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse effect leads to increase in the temperature of the earth, melting of polar ice caps and possibly flooding due to a rise in sea levels.
Greenhouse gases act as glass in a greenhouse. They allow heat to pass through onto the earth surface but trap the heat and prevent it from being radiated outwards back to space. Thereby increasing the surface temperature of the earth.