it really depends how high but the average speed for that quick will be atleast 24mph if not try 42mph if it is wrong
imma need a few answer choices so i can do my research
Please any thank you
From a balistics pendulum as an example, which is probably where you are at...
Triangles, L = 12m, x_0 = 1.6, we need to find the angle (theta)
sin (theta) = 1.6/12 = 0.1333....
theta = ArcSin(0.1333...) = 0.1337 rad
Then, this is the height that the mass vertically raises in it's arc
y_2 = L-L*cos(theta) = 0.107 m
use y_2 in a kinematic swing...
For me, standing on the summit of Mt Everest was the result of following a process. The process of mountaineering. I love mountaineering. I am passionate about it. I love the months of planning for an expedition, the months of sweating and training to prepare my body physically. The meticulous preparation of my equipment. Most of all I love the huge mental challenge I have to overcome before each climb to confront my own fear. All these reasons are why I climb, they are why I climbed Mt Everest and that is why I continue to climb.
Passion is an enormously powerful force. It gives us the strength to get through hard times and setbacks. It gives us strength to overcome our fears, to ignore what other people think of us, to be disciplined and make sacrifices in pursuit of our dreams. Passionate people do not want to take shortcuts – they consider that ‘learning the process’ is an important part of the journey.
In mountaineering it’s easy to spot those who are not passionate about the process. They want to stand on top of the mountain but they are not really interested in the process of climbing the mountain. I feel for these people. Success without hard work is a hollow, empty feeling. They never last long in the sport.
Just as in life, successful mountaineers are the ones who are passionate. They are not there just to stand on the summit. Their passion gives them the energy to work the hardest, fight the longest, and in the words of Winston Churchill “never, never. never give-up”.
Line spectra are obtained when individual elements are heated using a high-voltage electrical discharge. This heating causes excitation of the element and a subsequent emission of distinct lines of colored light are obtained. Each element has its own unique emission line spectrum; therefore, if any of the tested substances were the same, their spectra would match. However, this is not the case so none of the substances are the same.
hope it helps!