The electronic configuration that are incorrectly written is 1s²2s³2p⁶, 4s²3d¹⁰4p⁷, 3s¹ and 2s²2p⁴.
The electronic configuration of the elements corresponds to how all the electrons of an element are arranged in energy levels and sub-levels.
There are 7 energy levels —from 1 to 7— whose sublevels are described as s, p, d and f.
All electronic configurations begin with the term "1s" —corresponding to the sublevel s of level 1— so 4s²3d¹⁰4p⁷, 3s¹ and 2s²2p⁴ are incorrectly written. In addition, 4s²3d¹⁰4p⁷ is written incorrectly because is impossible to jump from the sublevel "s" to the sublevel "d" —which is found from level 3 and up— without passing through the sublevel "p".
In the case of 1s²2s³2p⁶, the wrong thing is that the sublevel "s" can only hold two electrons, not three.
The other options are correctly written.
Uranium must be purified before it is used as a fuel source
The purer the uranium sample, the more the concentration of uranium in the fuel is.
Whenever uranium is extracted from nature, it contains a lot of impurities. Only a few special nuclear reactors can utilize uranium in this raw state. most of the others have to get uranium to become about 3% pure before they begin using it.
To do this, uranium has to be passed through a series of chemical reactions all with the aim of extracting the other compounds that may be present in the fuel.
Explanation: just have to timez
They have adapted to different niches.
due to competition